Hello everyone and thanks for reading our first blog on the website. We thought it might be a good idea to give you our first easy care indoor plant recommendation. This is nearly impossible to be honest because there aren't many plants that can't ne looked after easily and if we were going to be even more honest then this would be more of a list at least 100 plants strong.
Actually that is sick idea and we'll probably will have a go at a top 100 plant list in the future, but for now let's stick with one.
Okay, let's have it then.
The Sansevieria.
There are so many different types of Sansevieria indoor house plants and they go by so many nicknames. Some names you may recognise and are common knowledge, for exmaple; mother-in-laws tongue, snake tongue, devil's tongue, snake plant. We call it "snakey" in the shop. In terms of types there are loads. We will focus on the snake plant style as this is a popular choice and well known and for good reason. The snake plant is very easy to care for. You don't have to do much in terms of care for a snake plant. It will thrive from little watering, in fact only every few weeks, so if you go on holiday or you haven't remembered to water it in a while, don't worry, the snake plant is a survivor and prefers it that way. Over watering is a nightmare situation for the snake so just don't do it. Get the water into the soil as oppsed to the leaves too.
NASA loves the snake plant. They did a study called NASA's Clean Air Study and their findings showed that the snake plant is one of the best indoor house plants that purify your air in the home. How good is that? There's loads of technical reasons why and how but let's take NASA's word for it. If it's good enough of them it's good enough for us.
They can also tolerate low light settings so if you've got a shady spot at home or the workplace and you're unsure how to fill it then shove a snake plant in there. With it's snake like pattern on it's leaves you can see why it's been dubbed the snake plant over the years. It's a beautiful example of an easy care indoor house plant that would be an ideal choice for a first time plant or present for someone else who is new to the plant world. With so much variety avaiable you can sometimes be spoilt for choice as which one to go for. They also grow well and there are many cases where people have had their snake plant for years and how it quickly becomes a member of the family.
All in all we love the snake plant for all the reasons mentioned in the blog above. If you are ever in the area then please do pop down the shop and have a look at the range we have in stock. Also, check out the website to see the variety available.